Bloodworks 101

It Happened Overnight: When a Pandemic Meets the Blood Supply

Bill Harper Season 2 Episode 2

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The global coronavirus pandemic has upended just about everything about how we live our lives today, even striking deep and very quickly at the heart of our blood supply. 

In this episode of Bloodworks 101, we hear from Bloodworks Executive Vice President of Blood Services and blood industry veteran Vicki Finson – who’s adapted to just about every other manner of natural disaster throughout her career – how she and her team handled this one. “Overnight,” they modified Bloodworks’ entire blood collection infrastructure to the new, socially-distanced normal to make sure patients’ access to blood continued uninterrupted. 

Since the first days of the virus, no one knew what was coming next. But one thing’s for sure: The summer is 2020 was nothing if not unprecedented, but it’s the reason why that has us hopeful for what’s to come.

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